An Americana Road Trip
Airstream AlanJacksonAlisonKrauss AllisonRussell AmericanBanjoMuseumAmericanDrumCoMuseum AmericanHeritageMusicHallAmythystKiahAmericanaMusicAssociation Amtrak AmythystKiahApplePie ArloGuthrie AuntMollyJackson AUSTIN BandofHeathensBaseballBig&RichBBKingMuseumBillyBob'SBillMonroeBluegrassHallofFame BillyCurrington BillyStrings Birdland BlackPumas BlakeShelton BluebirdCafeBOBDYLANBobHarrisBonnieRaitt BRADPAISLEYBrandiCarlile BrettEldredge Brooks&Dunn BrothersOsborne BruceSpringsteen BuckOwensBuddyHollyBuddyMiller CadillacRanch CharleyCrockett CharlieDaniels ChelseaHotel CheyenneFrontierDaysChrisKnightChrisStapletonChrisYoungCMA’sCodyJohnson CONTINENTALCLUB CountryMusicHallofFameandMuseum Creedence Dan+ShayDariusRuckerDavidCrosbyDeltaBluesMuseumDierksBentleyDoriFreeman DriveByTruckers DriveInsFender DustinLynch DwightYoakham EddySmith+The507 ElizabethCook EmmylouHarris EricChurch FameRecordingStudios Floore’sCountryStoFloridaGeorgiaLinGERDESFOLKCITY Folklore FORD FullThrottleSaoon GibsonGuitarsGinaVillalobosGRACELANDGrammyMuseum GramParsons GrandOleOpry GretchenWilson Greyhound GRINDERSGrueneHallGuyClarkHankWilliamsMuseumHarleyDavidsonHayesCarllHighway61BluesMuseumHillBillyHistoricRoute66MuseumHoboDaysHootanannyInternationalBluegrassMusicMuseumInternationalGospelHallofFameIron&Wine JacksonBrowne JackKerouacJAMESMCCMURTRYJasonAldeanJasonIsbellJimLauderdaleJimmieRodgersMuseumJoanBaez JohnnyCashMuseumJOHNDEERE JohnHiatt JohnPrine JoyOladoku Keb'Mo'KeithUrbanKnuckleheadsSaloonKristenWeberLadyAntebellumLeadbellyLevonHelmLindsayEll LouisianaMusicFactory LucindaWilliamsLukeCombsMargoPrice Marshall MartinGuitarsFactoryTour MaryChapinCarpenterMavisStaplesMirandaLambertMotownMuseumMumford&SonsMuseumoftheAmericanRailroadMUSICALINSTRUMENTMUSEUMNASHVILLENathansNationalJazzMuseumNationalMuseumOfAmericanHistoryNationalMusicMuseum NeilYoung OldCrowMedicineShow OldDominionOurNativeDaughtersPaulSiimonPEARLPeterPaul&MaryPeteSeegerPOCORayFulcheRayWylieHubbard RedDirtBoysRobertEarlKeenRock&RollHallofFame&MuseumRedRocksAmphitheaterRobbieCrowellRodneyCrowellRosanneCash Route66 RoyOrbisonMuseum RymanAuditorium SamBakerSarahJaroszSaraMorganSaxophoneMuseumShooterJenningsSHURESimon&Garfunkel StonePony SueFoley SXSW StaxMuseumofAmericanSoulSturgillSimpson SturgisSteveEarle SunStudiosTalkingBluesTaylorGuitarsFactoryTourTheAllmanBrothersBandMuseumTheAmericanGuitarMuseumTheAmericanaMuseumTheAvettBrothersTheBandPerryTheBeatMuseumTHEBIGTEXANSTEAKRANCHTheBirthplaceofCountryMusicMuseumTheBitterEndTheBrokenSpokeTheDEADSOUTHTheEAGLESTheLumineersTheMavericksTheWoodieGuthrieCenter ThisLandIsYourLandTobyKeith TombstoneTomPetty TownesVanZandtTrailways TurnpikeTroubadours TylerChilders WalkerHayes WaterlooRecords Waxahatchee WaylonJennings WhiskeyMyers WhitePicketFence WilliamBell WillieNelson WinnebagoVisitorsCenter Woodstock Woody Guthrie Zak Brown Band.
This land is your land and this land is my land from California to the New York Island, from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters, this land was made for you and me. Keep your eyes on the road, and your hands upon the wheel. Third boxcar, midnight train, destination Bangor Maine, old worn out suit and shoes, I don't pay no union blues. "Kathy' I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh. And I turned 21 one at Christmas doing life without parole. Well if you ever plan to motor west, travel my way take the highway that's the best, get your kicks on Route 66. I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again, the life I love is making music with my friends. Get your motor runnin, head out on the highway, looking for adventure, in whatever comes our way. In Big Sur we take some time to linger on, we three hunky-dory's got our snakefinger on. Way up yonder past the caution light, there's a little country store with an old coke sign, you got to stop in and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet tea, then a left will take you to the interstate and right will bring you right back here to me.So I'll love you 'til my lungs give out, I ain't lyin', I'm all your'n and you're all mine. Do you take me for a fool, Do you think that I don't see, That ditch out in the valley That they're digging just for me. There was a dry goods store, A flower shop, A barber with no nose, One alcoholic cop. Young Johnny, he really had a way, He did his homework on the school bus, And he always got an A, And the girls liked Johnny, More than anyone 'cept maybe Elton John, Later on in high school, He couldn't keep his red suspenders on. I got a woman she's wild as Rome, She likes to lay naked and be gazed upon. In spite of ourselves, We’ll end up a-sittin’ on a rainbow, Against all odds, Honey, we’re the big door prize.